Automation – The impact on your business
You’ve probably seen many aspects of your business change in recent years as a result of automation.
It might be through small changes like incorporating digital project management software, such as Slack and Basecamp, or even submitting a digital signature on documents. On the other end of the scale, it could be an automated machine.
To ensure you and your business are prepared for the changes that automation brings, you’ll need to introduce a reskilling training model to ensure your staff are kept up to date with the skills that they need.
Incorporating a streamlined network of devices into the workplace is one step you can take to ensure that all your staff are on the same page. Utilising the same technology will also enable greater consistency within your business.
The three benefits of automation
There are plenty of opportunities for businesses who incorporate automation into their business. Take a look at companies such as Uber, which has thrived and created thousands of new jobs as a result of automation.
The three benefits include:
1. Smoother processes
Does admin take up a lot of your staff’s time? Doing these types of tasks manually understandably takes more time than it would without the help of a device.
There are countless programs and applications available to streamline the way a number of tasks are carried out. Plus, with the whole team working on a single network, it’s never been easier to share and collaborate on projects.
Software integration will allow the workforce to manually manage and log data. However, it will automatically be transported between the two systems.
A smoother process also means quicker turnaround times, and therefore happy customers and clients.
2. Greater productivity
As a result of a more streamlined process, productivity in your staff can also increase and with time freed up, your staff will be able to put more time and effort into the more meaningful and creative parts of a job. This could include idea generation and problem solving.
Flexible working is key for enhancing your staff’s productivity. Rather than requiring staff to instantly produce great ideas in standard 9-to-5 working hours at the office, your staff will be able to work on an idea whenever the inspiration comes to them. The end result is greater creativity and better thought-through ideas.
With greater productivity and time, the knock-on effect for staff is increased employee satisfaction and a healthier work-life balance. This is particularly beneficial businesses as happy staff leads to employee retention and results in stability within the business.
As a result of the immense capabilities of mobile devices, your staff can work from anywhere.
3. Higher quality and accuracy
With a combination of a more streamlined process and greater productivity in your staff, the overall quality of your business’ work will be higher. Plus more efficient processes enables your staff to focus on producing great work or even focusing on their own professional development. With the incorporation of devices, there are also fewer chances for inaccuracies to arise, as they provide the consistency required.
Similarly, having a consistent system in place means you know your customers will always receive the same level of service, resulting in an increase in customer satisfaction.
Utilising new technology within your business
Prepare your business for automation – embrace the tech.
Don’t let automation creep up on you – get ahead now! Depending on your industry, automation is already having a varying impact. From the self-checkout tills in supermarkets to managing your business’ finances through an automated programme.
You might be wondering where to start with introducing automation into your business. Chances are, you probably have it already in some form.
One place you can start is through the deployment of new IT equipment. Newer tech means fewer maintenance problems.
We’ve worked with hundreds of businesses of all sizes to introduce technology solutions in their business and have seen great results.
To find out more about how we can integrate technology into your business to improve productivity and efficiency, give us a call on 0161 605 3838 or email hello@sync-store.co.uk.