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Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024

Making Education Accessible to All.

We’ve been supporting schools with technology for over 30 years and counting. The classroom is where teachers prepare their students for the world of work, opening doors to their futures. For that reason, it is so important that all students have equal access to education, no matter their ability or the way they work.

This Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we want to spotlight some of the incredible organisations working to promote equity in and out of the classroom.

What is Global Accessibility Awareness Day?

Global Accessibility Awareness Day aims to start the conversation surrounding accessibility and inclusion.
Access to digital tools can make all the difference to those who need them most, and by talking openly about accessibility options
and how those with impairments can get the most out of their technology, new doors are opened for all end-users.

Students learning with iPad

The Right Tools

Apple technology is built with accessibility in mind, complete with extensive tools, like Magnifier and VoiceOver to ensure that all users get the most out of their tech. Apple devices give educators the tools to raise student engagement, and productivity in the classroom, no matter
their ability.

Explore the full range of accessibility options available on Apple devices to support pupils in the classroom and beyond.

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Digital Accessibility

Digital Accessibility refers to how accessible websites and other digital assets are to those with impairments. Websites with poor digital accessibility options might impact how those with disabilities view online content – restricting their ability to view and interact with digital content.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day shines a light on how improving digital accessibility can positively affect young people looking to access the same content as their peers.

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Students learning with iPad
Student with iPad in classroom

Making your Content More Accessible

98.1% of homepages contain at least one WCAG 2.0 Failure, meaning they are not fully accessible to those in need of accessibility features.1

Low contrast text, a lack of image alt text, and missing document language are just some of the errors found on homepages that have an effect on how your content is consumed by end-users. Ensuring your content is accessible to all is imperative to contributing to equity in digital accessibility.

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Inclusivity. Diversity. Equity.

We work alongside third-sector organisations to help them realise their tech vision.
Take a look below at some of the fantastic initiatives we’ve supported.

Family Fund

Family Fund is the UK’s largest grant-providing charity, supporting families raising a disabled or seriously ill child. We worked with Family Fund to support families with training during the iPad Summer School – helping disabled children develop their digital skills.

Over 80% of parents reported their child’s well-being had improved following Summer School sessions – an immense achievement that we are proud to be part of, and something to inspire educators when considering the need for digital accessibility in the classroom.2

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Guide Dogs

We are proud to have teamed up with Guide Dogs to support their Tech For All scheme, a programme with the aim of improving the digital skills of visually-impaired young people via the provision of assistive tools such as iPad.

The partnership has provided devices to children across the UK with the technology needed for learning at home. We look forward to continuing our work with Guide Dogs to provide more children the tools they need to develop their digital skills outside of the classroom.

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Spread the word.

Get involved and explore ways to raise awareness about accessibility on the GAAD website,
or if you need some support or advice check out the quick links to find organisations to suit your needs:

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

Get involved with GAAD.

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Disability Rights UK logo

Disability Rights UK

Disabled people leading change.

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Guide Dogs UK logo

Guide Dogs

Apply for the Tech For All scheme.

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Family Fund

For families with disabled or seriously-ill children.

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Scope UK Logo


Equality for disabled people.

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Contact UK Logo


Supporting families with disabled children.

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educational resources


Our resources section is packed with guides, lesson plans, ideas and more. Whether you’re looking to introduce technology in to your institution for the first time, or you’re looking for new ideas, we’ve got you covered.

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  1. State of Accessibility, https://accessibility.day/
  2. https://www.familyfund.org.uk/news/ipad-summer-school-to-help-disabled-and-seriously-ill-children-and-their-siblings-get-digital-skills-and-have-fun-doing-it/